§ 82-58. Streets.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Conformity to the major street plan. The location and width of all streets and roads shall conform to the official major street plan; i.e., provision must be made for the location of thoroughfares as shown on the major street plan.


    Relation to adjoining street system. The proposed street system shall extend existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case less than the required minimum width. It shall connect with streets already dedicated in adjacent subdivisions or where no such streets exist, it shall follow the projection of streets in related subdivided tracts so that other subdivisions may connect therewith. The city reserves the right to require the developer to meet minimum road design standards.


    Restriction of access. When a tract fronts on an arterial street or highway, the planning commission may require all residential lots to be provided with frontage on a minor residential street.


    Street right-of-way widths. The minimum width of right-of-way, measured from lot line to lot line, shall be as shown on the major street plan, or if not shown on such plan, shall be not less than as follows:


    Arterial streets and highways: 80 to120 feet.


    Collector streets: 60 feet.


    Commercial and industrial streets: 80 feet.


    Minor residential streets:


    Curb and gutter: 50 feet.


    Ditches: 60 feet.

    For both of the above, a 15-foot utility drainage easement shall be provided on each side of the right-of-way.


    Exceptions. In cases where topography or other physical conditions made a street of the required minimum width impracticable, the planning commission may modify the above requirements. Through proposed business areas the street widths shall be increased ten feet on each side if needed to provide parking without interference to normal passing traffic.


    Additional width on existing street. Subdivisions that join existing streets shall dedicate additional rights-of-way if needed to meet the above minimum street width requirements.


    The entire right-of-way shall be provided where any part of the subdivision is on both sides of the existing street.


    When the subdivision is located on only one side of an existing street, one-half of the required right-of-way, measured from the centerline of the existing roadway shall be provided.


    Street grades and elevations. Grades on major streets shall not exceed seven percent and grades on other streets shall not exceed 12 percent.


    Horizontal curves. Where a deflection angle of more than two degrees in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be introduced. On streets 60 feet or more in width, the centerline radius of curvature shall be not less than 300 feet; on other streets it shall not be less than 100 feet.


    Vertical curves. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length in feet equal to 15 times the algebraic difference in rates of grade for major streets, and one-half this minimum length for other streets. Profiles of all streets showing natural and finished grades drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet horizontally and one inch equals 20 feet vertically may be required by the planning commission upon recommendation of the city utilities director.


    Intersections. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as possible, and no intersection shall be at an angle of less than 60 degrees. Property line radii at street intersections shall not be less than 20 feet, and where the angle of street intersection is less than 75 degrees the planning commission may require a greater curb radius. To permit the construction of a curb having a desirable radius without curtailing the sidewalk at a street corner to less than normal width, the property line at such street corner shall be reduced or otherwise set back sufficiently to permit such construction.


    Tangents. A tangent of at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on all streets.


    Street jogs. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet shall not be allowed.


    Dead-end streets.


    Minor terminal streets or courts designed to have one end permanently closed shall be no more than 600 feet long unless necessitated by topography. They shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 90 feet and a street right-of-way diameter of at least 110 feet for curb and gutter and 130 feet for ditches.


    Where phases may be proposed a temporary turnaround shall be provided.


    Private streets and reserve strips. There shall be no private streets platted in any subdivision. Every lot of subdivided property shall be served from a publicly dedicated street. There shall be no reserve strips controlling access to streets, except where the control of such strips is definitely placed with the city under conditions approved by the planning commission.


    Street names. Proposed streets that are obviously, in alignment with others already existing and named shall bear the names of existing streets. In no case shall the names for proposed streets duplicate names of existing streets, irrespective of the use of the suffix "street," "avenue," "boulevard," "driveway," "place" or "court."


    Alleys. Alleys shall be provided to the rear of all lots used for business purposes; alleys shall not be provided in residential blocks except where the subdivider produces evidence satisfactory to the planning commission of the need for alleys.


    Construction requirements.


    Every subdivision developer shall be required to make adequate provision for handling drainage problems, to grade and improve streets and alleys, to install curbs or invert ditches and to install street name signs in accordance with specifications established by the city utilities director.


    All street design and construction and related matters shall be in strict accordance with Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, volume 1 "Construction of Roads and Bridges" and volume 2 "Materials for Roads and Bridges" and all revisions thereto. Where circumstances dictate variations from the standard specifications, the city utilities director may vary the requirements providing the design or materials accepted are in all ways commensurate with good practice.


    All materials, equipment, labor and other matters related to street construction shall be provided by the developer. The following is a summary of the improvements required:


    Grading. All streets, roads and alleys shall be graded to their full width by the subdivider so that pavements and sidewalks, if installed in the future can be constructed on the same level plane. The preparation of the right-of-way before grading is started and the construction of cuts and fills shall be accomplished according to the specifications of the city.


    Storm drainage. An adequate drainage system, including necessary curbs, pipes, culverts, headwalls, intersectional drains, drop inlets, bridges, swale ditches, etc., shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water.


    Installation of utilities. After grading is completed and approved and before any base is applied all of the underground work (water mains, gas mains, etc. and all service connections) shall be installed completely and approved throughout the length of the road and across the flat section. All driveways for houses to be built by the developer shall be cut and drained.


    Roadway base. After preparation of the subgrade, the roadbed shall be properly based with one of the following:


    A six-inch sand clay base (class B);


    A six-inch graded aggregate base; or


    Six-inch mixed in place soil cement base.


    Roadway surfacing. The paved surface shall be a two-inch compacted asphalt plant mix.


    Minimum pavement width. Minimum pavement including paved gutters between curbs shall be as follows:


    Minor residential streets: 30 feet.


    Access routes: 38 to 44 feet.


    Arterial streets or through routes: As may be required.


    Ditch sections: 24 feet.


    Curbs. Where the subdivider elects to provide curbs or it is deemed essential and necessary by the city utilities director, a permanent six-inch Portland cement concrete curb and gutter with a longitudinal storm drain system shall be installed. Backfill shall slope toward the curb to ensure drainage of surface water into the storm drainage system.


    Rural ditch section. Where the developer does not install curb and gutter, a rural ditch section shall be provided. Said ditch shall be constructed with a minimum of 3:1 slope on both sides of the ditch. And shall have a minimum channel width of at least two feet. All rural ditch sections shall be designed and constructed to accommodate a 25-year flood. No rural ditch section shall be constructed within a right-of-way less than 60 feet wide with a 15-foot utility/storm drainage easement, on both sides. All rural ditch sections shall be seeded or sodded to provide for a permanent stand of grass.


    Outfall ditches. Outfall ditches shall be piped 130 feet from the right-of-way.

(Code 1986, § 19-31; Ord. No. O-97-03-05, 3-20-1997)